Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break (FINALLY!) ... with a new themed project!

Hello Everyone!

I am so sorry for the lack of posts in the last few weeks since Kappa Alpha Theta's bid day - I have been so busy doing sorority stuff, along with keeping up with my midterms and school work (aka no time for my craft!)

So, remember how I talked about the Theta pillow in my last post? Well I'm finally getting started on it! I bought my lovely black and gold yarn, got my size F crochet hook and started reading my chart that I made!

I call my pillow the "Don't drop that K-A-O" pillow... and that's what it will be referred to throughout the process of its' creation:
Red Heart Super Saver Yarn: Gold and Black

The start of intarsia stripes woohoo :)
I'll keep working on it, along with many other projects I have in store for this upcoming week! Have a fabulous weekend!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Well, it's been about two(ish) weeks that I have been MIA - I promise I am alive and well! As you all know, I recently went through my university's Formal Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment. And by gosh, I am (very) glad that is over. Recruitment as a PNM (potential new member) is a roller coaster I never want to ride again. But last Monday, that ride finally stopped. I opened up my bid to see that I got the sorority that I wanted - Kappa Alpha Theta!

my favorite picture from bid night!!

Needless to say, these past few weeks have been busy, between new member education, crush parties, and girl dates, my craft hasn't been on my mind as much as it normally is.

BUT, have no fear. I can't stay away that long. After bid night, I went on Pinterest (typical, I know) and decided to search "Greek Crochet Alphabet". And what pops up?! This lovely pin:
AKA crochet charts for Greek letters! Thanks to Pam at Crochet Parfait, I was able to email her to get the actual Excel document with all 24 letters! You can find her email address at this link.

So, what do I do with these charts? CREATE MY OWN KAPPA ALPHA THETA PILLOW CHART! But, since I am not initiated yet, I cannot post a picture of my pillow design, as it has the letters on it. This is my impending Spring Break project, so let's hope I get it done in time for initiation to display on my bed! (I will tell you one thing - it's filled with black and gold and such happiness)

I also plan on sharing in a few weeks a simple pillow tutorial - including how to sew one up! Be on the lookout in about a month!

That's all for now, folks! Check back soon :)

Monday, March 3, 2014


For those of you who don't know the whole Blogger system, whenever you (the blogger) log on, you can see your pageviews, audience, etc. One thing that I also can see is if people clicked any special links to get to my page (,, etc.). All of the sudden, I logged on today and noticed a new "link" from!

As a bunch of you know, I love reading other blogs (as that was my inspiration to start this blog!) and one of my favorites is One of her features is "Craft Schooling Sunday", which features crafts from bloggers around the world. Super cool, to say the least. I got many inspirations and tutorials from these Sundays.

A few weeks ago, I decided to give it a shot and submit my Cozy Mug Coaster Pattern, and GUESS WHAT?!? IT WAS AN HONORABLE MENTION ON LAST WEEK'S CRAFT SCHOOLING SUNDAY! Check me out:::
Wishing you all a fabulous week! Another blog post to come later about why I've been all MIA lately :)

P.S. Like my new online signature?!