Monday, March 3, 2014


For those of you who don't know the whole Blogger system, whenever you (the blogger) log on, you can see your pageviews, audience, etc. One thing that I also can see is if people clicked any special links to get to my page (,, etc.). All of the sudden, I logged on today and noticed a new "link" from!

As a bunch of you know, I love reading other blogs (as that was my inspiration to start this blog!) and one of my favorites is One of her features is "Craft Schooling Sunday", which features crafts from bloggers around the world. Super cool, to say the least. I got many inspirations and tutorials from these Sundays.

A few weeks ago, I decided to give it a shot and submit my Cozy Mug Coaster Pattern, and GUESS WHAT?!? IT WAS AN HONORABLE MENTION ON LAST WEEK'S CRAFT SCHOOLING SUNDAY! Check me out:::
Wishing you all a fabulous week! Another blog post to come later about why I've been all MIA lately :)

P.S. Like my new online signature?!

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