Saturday, February 15, 2014

SECOND Free Pattern Uploaded!

Like promised, I have OFFICIALLY added a SECOND pattern to the Oh So Stitchy Free Patterns Page: Paige's Ear Warmers!

Check it out HERE: 

Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, ANYONE!
Be on the lookout for more patterns coming soon!


The Recruitment Ear Warmer is DONE!

....of course, with only two days into recruitment. Silly me, thinking that this project would last me the two weekends!

Here are some pictures of how I did my ear warmer! (Pattern coming most likely later tonight/tomorrow!)

the full band
band that is all seamed up!

bow-esque ear warmer!

Check out the pattern super soon!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Crocheting My Way Through Recruitment

Hello readers!

I am so sorry for not posting in a while - for those of you who are just visiting for the first time, my spring semester here at college has just started, meaning schoolwork has picked up and left less time for crocheting!

A big thing about college social life includes going "Greek" (or known as joining a sorority) - which I plan on starting my own recruitment journey this weekend!

I do not want to go into specifics (because that is not allowed), but I will show you my crochet aspect of my nametag to show all the girls that I will be meeting over the next two weeks that I love my craft!
Just a single chain to hold up my nametag around my neck
As I was trying to figure out all of the interesting things about me, I realized I neglected the new part of my blog a bit - the Free Patterns Section! So, in the spirit of recruitment starting and the fact that my headwarmer broke two days ago, I decided to create (and write the pattern for) Paige's Ear Warmers! Check back in a few days for the FREE pattern! Actual pictures (besides my materials) to come!
I don't know what's wrong with my phone sometimes...sorry for the upside down picture!
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!!


Friday, February 7, 2014

Paige's Plarn Tutorial!

GOOD NEWS: I finished my geology class today - took the final, so let's cross our fingers that I do well!
BAD NEWS: I only have this weekend to recuperate from my winter session class to prepare for spring semester! This is when everything will pick up (more classes and sorority recruitment and such), and blog posts and patterns might be harder to do during an actual semester.

So before spring semester starts, I present to you my own personal "plarn" (yarn made out of plastic bags) tutorial: (note: this is very similar to my t-shirt yarn cutting tutorial, but with bags instead!)

Paige's Plarn Tutorial
1 plastic bag (any color, any size)

Your materials!
Step 1: Fold your plastic bag in half

Step 2: Snip off the edge seam and the handles

Step 3: Unfold your plastic bag - it should look like a tube!

Step 4: Fold your "rectangle" three times, to form a tinier rectangle

Step 5: Cut all the way through the plastic bag, in one-inch pieces
in the process of cutting
All the pieces cut together!
Step 6: Unfold your pieces and cut each piece with one scissor snip
my little plastic circle
snip snip!
the cut strip
all my strips
Step 7: Once you have all your strips, tie them together using just a simple knot

Step 8: When everything is knotted, roll up your "plarn" into a ball and enjoy!

Well, there it is! Enjoy your plarn! This is a thinner version that can be used with smaller hooks. I use my G hook mostly, since it's the only one I have at school with me!

BUT WAIT; THERE'S MORE! You might be wondering how to crochet with all of the knots, so I worked a little bit of my first round of my plarn tote motif to show you what happens when you crochet with a knot:
Crochet normally, treating the knot that its just there. See knot above
Just do another snip, snip of the knot!
Now, do you see a knot?? I don't!!
There might be a little bump, but it totally adds character to your piece!

Have a great, great, great weekend ahead!


ps. If you have any questions about this tutorial, please feel free to comment below!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Plarn Plarn and More Plarn!

As you could tell in my previous posts about t-shirt yarn (tutorial on how to cut some here!), I am fascinated with repurposing everyday items. One day, while researching how to cut up t-shirts (a few years back..) I came across "plarn", AKA yarn created from plastic bags!

For all of you East Coasters (and even Southerners!), you have been completely aware about how much snow we have been getting! While many schools are off today, my lovely college did not cancel class, as it is only raining and not snowing. But this past Monday, I had my own personal "snow day", so I decided to take a crack at tackling some plarn!

(PSA: later today/tomorrow I will put together a post on how I cut plarn to fit a G/H hook...many techniques online will not work well with such a small hook)

Anyways, I created a reusable bag out of plastic bags! (Inspiration from this pattern by The Tasteful Hooker...with a bunch of tweaks from me) Here are some pictures:

Holding the Shiny and Garden Scarf!

The fan is still a great model, I know

I am currently working on another reusable bag...this time granny square style! This is my inspiration found on Pinterest! Check out these pictures (pattern and finished product coming soon!):
Sketching out how many squares I need for the bag

Square before getting its edges trimmed
Square after getting trimmed!

Wishing you all warmth on these cold snowy days!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

FIRST Free Pattern Uploaded!

Like promised, I have OFFICIALLY created the Oh So Stitchy Free Patterns Page!

Check it out HERE: 

Tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, ANYONE!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday and be on the lookout for more patterns soon!


Saturday, February 1, 2014

What a Great Day to Wear a Sweater!

Right now, it is about 45ยบ F where I am currently residing. For once, it felt a lot warmer out today than this past week! But, despite my need to bundle up each time I leave my room, I have some great news for you!

I have been keeping a little bit of a secret from you this past week...I got bored from working on my circle scarves, I picked up my hook and some Red Heart yarn and went to my Pinterest board for some inspiration!

Some things that I noticed on my nicely titled "yarn" board was that there were many different types of mug cozies! One picture inspiration that I found included a bottom of this cozy, creating a cozy coaster! Unfortunately, there was no pattern for this particular one that I fell in LOVE with! So, what did I do? I did another thing on my bucket list - write a pattern!

I basically just started going with my hook, writing down little notes shorthanded. In the next few days, I will post the fully written and explained pattern on my blog! (If I am technologically savy enough by then, I will create a whole new "page" for original - and free! - patterns)

Ladies (and gentlemen), here are my Cozy Mug Coaster photos!

lovely side view including my nice little bows :)

Front of the cozy, which could have been embellished with a design 
Handle view...notice the contrasting color to create the bows!

Top view, for those who were wondering!
Keep on checking back for some original patterns, coming to a blog near you! (well, !)
