Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Plarn Plarn and More Plarn!

As you could tell in my previous posts about t-shirt yarn (tutorial on how to cut some here!), I am fascinated with repurposing everyday items. One day, while researching how to cut up t-shirts (a few years back..) I came across "plarn", AKA yarn created from plastic bags!

For all of you East Coasters (and even Southerners!), you have been completely aware about how much snow we have been getting! While many schools are off today, my lovely college did not cancel class, as it is only raining and not snowing. But this past Monday, I had my own personal "snow day", so I decided to take a crack at tackling some plarn!

(PSA: later today/tomorrow I will put together a post on how I cut plarn to fit a G/H hook...many techniques online will not work well with such a small hook)

Anyways, I created a reusable bag out of plastic bags! (Inspiration from this pattern by The Tasteful Hooker...with a bunch of tweaks from me) Here are some pictures:

Holding the Shiny and Garden Scarf!

The fan is still a great model, I know

I am currently working on another reusable bag...this time granny square style! This is my inspiration found on Pinterest! Check out these pictures (pattern and finished product coming soon!):
Sketching out how many squares I need for the bag

Square before getting its edges trimmed
Square after getting trimmed!

Wishing you all warmth on these cold snowy days!


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