Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Paige Finishes Project #2

If you haven't figured out by now, I obviously have a pending exam considering how much I have been blogging and knitting these past few days (oh procrastination at its finest!) I needed to take a break from all of the floods and eons that I am learning in my Geology class, so here I am!

Well, if you noticed the title of this post, I FINISHED my second winter session project: the garden scarf! Check out these pictures I took in my dorm room of my beautiful creation:

The fan is a great model, I know :)
After my exam tomorrow (EEP!!!), I will figure out my next step...maybe another ruffle scarf? Or maybe a brand new, fabulous project? That's tomorrow's problem; tonight's is trying to cram information in my head!

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Winter College Project #2: Another Netted Scarf

Well, I have officially caught that "bug" again! Nope, not a sickness; a yearn to knit and crochet constantly!

So, last night, after I finished the blog post about the sparkly ruffled scarf, I went back into my yarn stash and pulled out my Starbella skein in Spring Bouquet.

Here is what I have of my "garden scarf" (as I would like to call it!)

Sorry for the sideways picture! 
up close and personal look at the colors included in the garden scarf!
nice little detail shot of how Starbella yarn loops look - it's very pretty!
At the rate I'm going, this scarf will be done by tonight! (If you cannot tell already, I have an exam that I can't study any longer for) Check back later to see another post with the finished garden scarf!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

My First Winter College Project: COMPLETED!

Why hello there, my lovely blog-readers!

I have to say, I am proud of this post, because I am starting to actually live up to my New Year's Resolution as to post a few times a week on this blog. Because of the fact that between my last two blog posts have been about 20 days. Which is WRONG. So I apologize on that matter; I hope that

But anyways, as referred to in the title of this post, I finished my first winter college project: a fashionable, short sequined ruffle scarf!

My nice scarf...modeled on my fan!
the awkwardly taken close-up photo of the scarf!
What's next for me? Check back here this week to find out!


Friday, January 24, 2014

Why I'm Afraid to Knit and/or Crochet at School

As you can tell, I have not written an entry on this blog since I came back to college. Let me give you a rundown as to what has been going on:

  • I am taking an "Earth Science" Geology class for 5 weeks, which has been time-consuming between lectures every day and labs two times a week, along with homework and tests.
  • Netflix and HBOGo has become one of my best friends. I finished "Sex and the City" in less than 12 days (you can just call me a professional binge-watcher, it's all good)

And that is basically it. Sadly.

But on a not-so-sad note, I found this absolutely fabulous picture of Kristin Davis (Charlotte from SATC) knitting on the set. This brought me back into the knitting kick.

But the whole point of this post is to explain why I am not doing my craft at school. And the answer? Well, I don't know; to be exact. I feel that at home I have a different mentality than how I do at school. But, I do have a bunch of yarn that I have in my "school stash":
Yarn to crochet with (from Jo-Anns)
Yarn to knit with! (this is all ruffle yarn!)
As of today, when I was catching up on this week's SVU (taking place in my own home state!), I started to knit with the bottom Red Heart Sashay Sequins Yarn in "Cabernet".
Here's my progress so far...so much more to go though!
I would've kept going, but one of my good friends knocked on my door, and it was time for dinner, and now it's time for the weekend to start! Hopefully when I have some more time this weekend, I will put another big dent into this scarf and, as people at my high school would say, GET'ER DONE!


Sunday, January 5, 2014

My First Amigurumi!

First of all, I just wanted to inform everyone that I am back to my "home" until March, meaning school! Most of my friends get back in February, but I chose to take an extra class these next five weeks. But before I packed all of my bags (see the picture below...I was only home for about three weeks), there was just one thing that I wanted to finish.
If there was an "Over-Packers Anonymous" I would be belonging....
A few days ago, I found out that a beloved yarn store in town was going out of business and they were selling ALL of their stock, including some fabulous books! As I was browsing through the patterns (which I bought many!), I came across this book:
Of course, this was one of the things I wanted to do in 2014 (learn how to make amigurumi), so this book was automatically mine!

I found one of Nicki Trench's patterns, the Squiddly Dudley octopus the most appealing, so I set out to make one kind of like it!
the page of the pattern and picture in "Super Cute Crochet"
So, I present to you Ollie the Octopus:
Ollie in the stages of leg making

A finished Ollie!
Ollie the Octopus has joined my other Winter Break friends, Scottie and Scottie Jr. (why did I name all my stuffed animals with names ending in "ie"?!)
They look so awesome on display in my living room!

But now, I am back to the reality of school. My backpack is packed and I am ready to see what this "winter session" has got in store for me!
the messiness of my side of the room mid-moving back in

That's all for now! I brought a bit of yarn back to school, so I will try to keep you as updated as possible on what I am doing next!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014: My (yarn-related) New Year's Resolutions

Well, that time of the year has come and gone. We all watched Ryan Seacrest count down to midnight and celebrated with friends and family alike. New year, new slate; right? Well, it's January 2nd, and I haven't made any radical changes to my lifestyle--nor do I plan to.

But, I aspire in 2014 do make some changes in the way I "play" with my yarn. So, I present to you Paige's 2014 Yarn Resolutions:

  • Re-organize my ever-growing yarn stash in my basement
  • Do some more knitting projects (kind of balancing the knitting/crocheting I do)
  • Create my own original pattern
  • Blog at least 3 times per week
  • Learn how to crochet amigurumi
  • Attend the Knitting/Crochet Club at school more often
  • Investigate about opening up an Etsy shop (and possibly actually open one!)
  • Create more tutorials on ohsostitchy.blogspot.com
Right now, at about 11:30 on January 2, 2014, that's all I got.
I plan on reflecting here in December 2014, right before we ring in 2015 with more fun, friends, and family, to see how much I can really accomplish in one year. I just can't wait!
