Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Paige Finishes Project #2

If you haven't figured out by now, I obviously have a pending exam considering how much I have been blogging and knitting these past few days (oh procrastination at its finest!) I needed to take a break from all of the floods and eons that I am learning in my Geology class, so here I am!

Well, if you noticed the title of this post, I FINISHED my second winter session project: the garden scarf! Check out these pictures I took in my dorm room of my beautiful creation:

The fan is a great model, I know :)
After my exam tomorrow (EEP!!!), I will figure out my next step...maybe another ruffle scarf? Or maybe a brand new, fabulous project? That's tomorrow's problem; tonight's is trying to cram information in my head!

Happy Tuesday!


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