Sunday, January 5, 2014

My First Amigurumi!

First of all, I just wanted to inform everyone that I am back to my "home" until March, meaning school! Most of my friends get back in February, but I chose to take an extra class these next five weeks. But before I packed all of my bags (see the picture below...I was only home for about three weeks), there was just one thing that I wanted to finish.
If there was an "Over-Packers Anonymous" I would be belonging....
A few days ago, I found out that a beloved yarn store in town was going out of business and they were selling ALL of their stock, including some fabulous books! As I was browsing through the patterns (which I bought many!), I came across this book:
Of course, this was one of the things I wanted to do in 2014 (learn how to make amigurumi), so this book was automatically mine!

I found one of Nicki Trench's patterns, the Squiddly Dudley octopus the most appealing, so I set out to make one kind of like it!
the page of the pattern and picture in "Super Cute Crochet"
So, I present to you Ollie the Octopus:
Ollie in the stages of leg making

A finished Ollie!
Ollie the Octopus has joined my other Winter Break friends, Scottie and Scottie Jr. (why did I name all my stuffed animals with names ending in "ie"?!)
They look so awesome on display in my living room!

But now, I am back to the reality of school. My backpack is packed and I am ready to see what this "winter session" has got in store for me!
the messiness of my side of the room mid-moving back in

That's all for now! I brought a bit of yarn back to school, so I will try to keep you as updated as possible on what I am doing next!


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