Friday, January 24, 2014

Why I'm Afraid to Knit and/or Crochet at School

As you can tell, I have not written an entry on this blog since I came back to college. Let me give you a rundown as to what has been going on:

  • I am taking an "Earth Science" Geology class for 5 weeks, which has been time-consuming between lectures every day and labs two times a week, along with homework and tests.
  • Netflix and HBOGo has become one of my best friends. I finished "Sex and the City" in less than 12 days (you can just call me a professional binge-watcher, it's all good)

And that is basically it. Sadly.

But on a not-so-sad note, I found this absolutely fabulous picture of Kristin Davis (Charlotte from SATC) knitting on the set. This brought me back into the knitting kick.

But the whole point of this post is to explain why I am not doing my craft at school. And the answer? Well, I don't know; to be exact. I feel that at home I have a different mentality than how I do at school. But, I do have a bunch of yarn that I have in my "school stash":
Yarn to crochet with (from Jo-Anns)
Yarn to knit with! (this is all ruffle yarn!)
As of today, when I was catching up on this week's SVU (taking place in my own home state!), I started to knit with the bottom Red Heart Sashay Sequins Yarn in "Cabernet".
Here's my progress so much more to go though!
I would've kept going, but one of my good friends knocked on my door, and it was time for dinner, and now it's time for the weekend to start! Hopefully when I have some more time this weekend, I will put another big dent into this scarf and, as people at my high school would say, GET'ER DONE!


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